Xanga smoking quotes

dontgiveuphopex3 on Xanga Quotes [Depression, Lonelyness, Teenage Life] Alone in my room, I silently cry, A razor pressed to my wrist, Ready to die. But first one reason, Before I follow
party graphics, drinking graphics, smoking graphics, sex graphics, naughty graphics! party graphics, drinking graphics, smoking graphics, sex graphics, naughty graphics!
This is my xanga. I might not update that frequently and my posts might vary from time to time, but behind every post are my own emotions. "You see, in all my life, I
SweetestSin_ox on Xanga
Xanga smoking quotes
staystrongxquotes on Xanga
Quotes [Depression, Lonelyness, Teenage.
illloveyouforever_quotes on Xanga
The name's Neena. Age 15. » Quotes are my obsession. Writing is my passion. Reading is my safe place. Music is my escape. Skittles/Gummy Bears/Suckers are my weakness.
XANGA! So I have wanting to make a new post for the past two months now but have lacked in finding quotes to do so. Also I haven't had much time.
SweetestSin_ox on Xanga
woah im baaaaack yea its been a lonq time but i been busy qimme a break but qimme some commentsz too! you think ur a playa & that u broke ma heart, buh i knew rite
my_quotes_are_gangster on Xanga

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Rachel ; I've been blessed with 16 years of wonderful life on this place we call earth. I have lived in this suburb an hour north of Philadelphia, PA for my whole life.